Describe a person who impressed you most in your primary school.
Part 3
1. Why do people always miss their childhood?
Everyone thinks of their childhood fondly, I think. Well, mostly everyone I think.Childhood is a time when we are more carefree. We can have fun and don"t have too many worries or responsibilities. In fact, we are basically looked after and all the real burdens are taken on board by our parents. I think that that feeling soon goes away when we go to primary school, though, and start having to seriously learn school subjects, get given lots of homework and deadlines and things like this. I"s a bit like a death of innocence that takes place, and we never really get our childhood back after
that. So, we always feel we miss our childhood.
2. Are kids happier than adults?
I think in general children are happier than adults. They have less responsibilities and are allowed to have fun and enjoy themselves and are given a lot more liberty to say and do as they please. Children are also just discovering the world, and this means it"s an exciting time for them一they are constantly experiencing new things and being exposed to new experiences. All of this makes them happier than adults, who can become a bit jaded with life.
3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?
I think people remember their school friends because they had a lot of fun with them.Also, because school is a formative time in our lives where we are just learning how to really interact with each other and other people, discovering new things and enjoying life. We share those experiences with our friends, and we grow alongside our friends, which creates a special bond.
4. What kinds of primary school teachers will impress students?
Teachers impress students if they are fun, entertaining, intelligent and patient. I think that teachers that impress students are usually also a little bit firm, and command a sense of respect too. This combination of qualities leaves a strong impression on students.
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